Results the secretion of gastric antrum mucosa growth inhibition is significantly more in the cases with sthenia - syndrome than in the cases with asthenia - syndrome and the control group 结果以实证为主的胃脘痛患者血清、胃窦黏膜生长抑素的分泌量显著高于虚证患者及对照组,胃阴不足和脾胃虚窦型则明显下降。
Second , we do research on asthenia syndrome and sthenia syndrome . we first select sub - images from tongue image along the polygonal edge of the tongue , then based on the analysis of the texture properties of the sub - images , gray level co - matrix is used to extract features . the classification precision with theses features is higher 其次,本文研究了舌质苍老与舌质娇嫩的分类,先应用算法在舌边自动选取了子图像作为研究对象,然后应用灰度共生矩阵方法对这些子图像进行了特征提取和分类,取得了不错的结果。