adj. 1.领薪水的。 2.有关薪水的。 n. 1.有薪水的人。 2.〔英国〕大城市中处理违警案件的有薪水的治安法官〔又叫 stipendiary magistrate〕。
Example Sentences:
" i am satisfied , madame , that he did what i have told you ; besides , that is not much more odious than that a frenchman by adoption should pass over to the english ; that a spaniard by birth should have fought against the spaniards ; that a stipendiary of ali should have betrayed and murdered ali 而且,他还干过更见不得人的事,他身为法国公民,却去投靠英国人。他的祖籍是西班牙人,他竟会参加攻打西班牙人的战争。受恩于阿里,他竟会出卖和杀害了阿里。