Advanced technical ceramics - methods of test for ceramic coatings - part 11 : determination of internal stress by the stoney formula ; german version cen ts 1071 - 11 : 2005 高级工业陶瓷.陶瓷涂层的试验方法.第11部分:用stoney
The bar here is called as tasmania wine cellar which mainly provides wines made by tasmania , especially the gold prize winner in the world wine spirit competition - domaine a by stoney vineyard 始建于清末年间,由坐北朝南一主两次的三个四合院组合而成,院内结构紧凑布局合理,砖雕花饰精美,是北京屈指可数的典型四合院建筑之一。
I have a very bad memory , but the events of september 1983 are still etched in my mind as sharp as ever . sitting now in the office early on a quiet saturday morning in september 2003 trying to stock up on viewpoint articles ahead of a period with heavy travelling commitments does make the mind wander . the grim faces on the street , the empty shelves in the supermarkets , the phone calls seeking inside information firmly declined , the bigger and bigger foreign exchange orders placed with our agent banks to support the currency , the stoney silence in the corridors on the 24 月一个宁静的星期六早上,我坐在办公室里,希望在接下来的几个星期频频外访之前,可以多写几篇专栏文章备用,脑际难免泛起廿年前段段的回忆:街上的人木无表情超级市场货架空空如也不停接到希望可以打听内幕消息的电话当然全部被我断然拒绝我们向代理银行下达数额越来越大的外汇买盘以支持港元当时的金融科办事处海富中心