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Chinese translation for "swiney"

Example Sentences:
1.A counter - jumper s son . selling tapes in my cousin , peter paul m swiney s . not likely
2.This ( years are ) year saw two big screen musicals , the tail of ( murderers viber ) murderous barber , ( swiney tarde ) sweeney todd , and the film ( at abtation ) adaptation of the broadway hit ( hirres bray ) hairspray , a ( quaty ) quirky comedy about teenagers in 1960 ’ s ( botermall ) baltimore
今年推出了两部大型的电影音乐片,关于杀人的理发师的故事《理发师陶德》及由百老汇闻名剧改编而成的《发胶》 ,这是一部关于50年代巴尔德摩的年轻人的离奇的喜剧片。
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