n. 桌状面;【音乐】(弦乐器用的)弦线标谱(法);〔古语〕想像中的景象,生动的描述;【考古】载有题铭、绘画、图案的平面[版片];碑版。
Example Sentences:
Over a thousand tabs tablatures for drum , bass and guitar for alternative , metal and rock music -介绍古琴的基本知识发展历史历代琴谱及古琴作品在线欣赏
Guitar tablature arrangements of every song from the album , complete with melody line , lyrics and chord symbols 吉他琴谱安排每首歌来自专辑,完整的旋律线,歌词与和弦的符号。
The standard method in western music has in recent centuries been by means of staff notation , but different forms of letter notation have been used , with imaginative forms of graphic notation in some contemporary music and , in earlier times , tablature , a combination of letters , numbers and staff designed for particular instruments 近几个世纪的西方音乐所用的标准方法是采用五线谱的形式,但是运用了不同形式的音名,在一些现代音乐中运用的新形式的图示记谱法,早期,指法谱,由专为特定乐器设计的字母,数字,五线谱组成。