1990 international symposium on park ceramics in tashkent , uzbekistan 1990年乌兹别克斯坦塔什干市国际自然景观陶艺研讨会
Tokyo international great quilt festival 2004 tashkent suzani , uzbekistan , end of 19th century 东京国际被子节布和针与线的盛典2004
The first was established in tashkent in uzbekistan in june 2004 , the 75th in cracow in poland exactly two years later 第一家学院于2004年6月在乌兹别克斯坦的塔什干成立,而第75家成立于整整两年之后波兰的克拉科。
The enriched uranium was used in a soviet - designed research reactor near tashkent , described as the largest of its kind in central asia 这批浓缩铀过去是在塔什干附近前苏联设计的一个研究反应堆使用的,这个反应堆被称为是中亚同类反应堆中最大的一个。
Tashkent , alma - ata and islamabad by international airlines , and 22 major chinese cities including shanghai , guangzhou , xian and lanzhou as well as 11 regional cities by domestic air routes 通往上海广州西安兰州等22个国内城市,连接喀什等11个区内城市的国内航线。
A former part of the soviet union on the one hand , its capital city tashkent boasts soviet - style modern architecture and lavish subway stations , some even adorned with chandeliers 首都塔什干是前苏联的一部分,骄傲展现了苏维埃风格的现代建筑以及华丽的地下铁车站,有些甚至还装饰著水晶吊灯。
As i look out over this audience , i am reminded of a meeting i had last month with students at tashkent s law school . as i looked into their faces , as i look into yours , i think that no one so young should be burdened with the trauma and tragedy that terror has brought to our world 在座的各位使我想起上个月我与塔什干的一所法学院的学生的会晤。我看着他们的面孔就像我现在看着你们的一样不由地想到,任何一个这样年轻的人都不应承受恐怖给我们的世界带来的创伤和悲哀。