Damn dangerous thing . some tipperary bosthoon endangering the lives of the citizens . runaway horse 准是从蒂珀雷里141来的哪个笨蛋在拿市民的命开玩笑。
Wine , peltries , connemara marble , silver from tipperary , second to none , our far - famed horses even today , the irish hobbies , with king philip of spain offering to pay customs duties for the right to fish in our waters 西班牙的菲利普,为了取得在咱们领海上的捕渔权,还提出要付关税。 384在咱们的贸易和家园毁于一旦这一点上,那些卑鄙的英国佬们欠下了咱们多大的一笔债啊!
After this period , romanesque architecture with its intricate and ornate carved stonework influenced the shape of irish churches , the finest examples being cormac s chapel on the rock of cashel in county tipperary and clonfert cathedral in county galway 在这个时期之后,有着精致装饰石刻工艺的罗马式建筑影响了爱尔兰教堂的形状,其中最精美的例子当属cormac的小教堂(位于tipperary郡的cashel岩上)和clonfert大教堂(在戈尔维郡) 。
Mrs yelverton barry in lowcorsaged opal balldress and elbowlength ivory gloves , wearing a sabletrimmed brick quilted dolman , a comb of brilliants and panache of osprey in her hair . arrest him constable . he wrote me an anonymous letter in prentice backhand when my husband was in the north riding of tipperary on the munster circuit , signed james lovebirch 身穿开领低低的乳白色舞衫,戴一副长及臂肘的象牙色手套,罩着用黑貂皮镶边薄薄地絮了棉花拍出花纹的砖色披肩式外衣,头发上插着一把嵌着宝石的梳子和白鹭羽饰。