D . the tollgates of improve include generating and selecting solutions 改善由下列关组成:探寻解决问题的方案和选择最佳解决方案。
The lessee should only bear charges of parking and tolls for bridges and tollgates produced during rental period for the vehicle 租车期间,承租方仅负责报销司机和车辆实际发生的过路费、停车费、过桥费。
More than 1 thousand image samples are selected from those acquired from a highway tollgate . the samples almost include all kinds of vehicle plates under using in china now and the conditions of different weather and illumination 这些样本照片几乎包含了我国现行的各种牌照样式的情况,同时基本上反映了各种光照、天气等自然条件下的情况。
For another example , when you pass the tollgate , sometimes you may miss the receipt from the toll collector after you pay the toll , but a toll collector never misses the money from you . this is because the toll collector is in a stable position ; but you , the driver , are in a moving state 还有当我们开车经过收费站时,往往在缴费后,拿不准收费人员给你的收据而掉在地上,但是从来不曾听说过收费站的人会捉不到你给他的过桥费,因为收费人员是居于定的状态,而开车的人处于动的状态。