Distributor and wholesaler specializing in a variety of chiles , tomatillos , and jicama . company history and profile , product information , and contact details -西北地区专业生产各类挂面与面食品的企业,含企业的情况与各类产品,介绍了当地的面食文化。
In a medium bowl , combine orange , grapefruit , scallions , tomatoes , remaining tablespoon each lime juice and olive oil , zests , salt and pepper , diced jalape ? o , cilantro and tomatillos . set aside 取一只中等的碗,放入橘子,柚子,大葱和小西红柿,剩下的一大汤匙的酸橙汁和一大汤匙橄榄油,盐和胡椒粉,切片的墨西哥胡椒,芫荽叶和粘果酸浆,搅拌。