| 1. | It's the deepest trauma of our existence . 这在我们的生命史上是最惨重的一次打击了。 |
| 2. | Trauma is the most common cause of epistaxis in domestic animals . 外伤是家畜衄血的最常见原因。 |
| 3. | The type of injury to be considered here consists of major trauma . 这里所说的损伤类型系指大创伤。 |
| 4. | This time the national trauma had not grown out of foreign crisis . 这次全国性的创伤不是出自海外危机。 |
| 5. | Even relatively minor trauma can result in avulsion of the spleenic substance . 甚至轻微的创伤就能引起脾实质撕裂。 |
| 6. | Trauma to the facial bones is often associated with a cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea . 面骨的外伤常并发脑脊液鼻漏。 |
| 7. | Faber wondered what the trauma was that lay at the back of their distance . 费伯想弄清,在他们之间的鸿沟里,到底隐藏着什么创伤。 |
| 8. | The trauma of those events brought back my ill-health and i was afflicted with a chronic stammer . 那些情况所造成的精神创伤,再一次损害了我的健康,我得了一种慢性口吃病。 |