n. 〔美国〕【植物;植物学】锐?草 (Scirpus acutus);软茎?草 (Scirpus validus) 〔美国西南部产〕。
Example Sentences:
"now look at tule lake today and what do you see?" puzzled, collins squinted off, as his son went on . "您再看看今天的图尔湖,您看到些什么呢?"柯林斯茫然地眯起眼睛望去,只听他的儿子继续说道。
" now look at tule lake today and what do you see ? " puzzled , collins squinted off , as his son went on "您再看看今天的图尔湖,您看到些什么呢? "柯林斯茫然地眯起眼睛望去,只听他的儿子继续说道。
Arrive at the beautiful tomales bay , and then go on a guided tour to visit the endangered tule elk approx . only 3500 left in the united states 然后,到达美丽的tomales bay ,由专业导游陪同带领,在近在咫尺的距离,观看全美国只馀大约3500只的珍贵稀有动物麋鹿tule elk 。
Shenzhen tule photography & design studio , is established by an experienced photographer who has been engaged in photographing and advertisement photographing for the mainstream media more than twenty years , aiming to provide quality service to ad companies , design companies , industrial and financial enterprises and individuals 深圳图乐摄影设计工作室,由曾在主流媒体从事摄影工作二十多年、对广告摄影有着丰富实践经验的资深摄影师创办,旨在为广告公司、设计公司以及工商企事业单位和个人提供专业的摄影服务。