He prepared a diet for the undernourished mother and examined the baby . 他给营养不良的母亲规定了饮食,又检查了婴儿。
The un estimates that nearly 800 million people around the world are undernourished 联合国估计,世界上有近8亿人口营养不良。
Let us remember the many undernourished people , young and old , scattered throughout the world 让我们记住,还有许许多没有吃饱的人,青年人和老年人都有,分布在世界各地都有。
This year , the group focused on helping undernourished children , because in panama poor nutrition is a serious problem 营养不良是巴拿马的一个严重问题,所以这个团体今年把重点放在帮助营养不良的儿童。
Near the time of the collapse , people were generally undernourished , which is reflected in their bones , and they had bad problems with their teeth 在临近覆灭的时期,人们普遍营养不良,这一点从他们的骨骼中可以反映出来,而且他们的牙齿都有问题。
This paper investigates the relationship between nutrition intake and economic growth to provide useful insights for fao anti - hunger program . it addresses the question of how much economic growth is lost by a country that has undernourished people . real per capita gross domestic product , physical capital , protein intake , the openness index and the student - teacher ratio are investigated 作者通过上海市300个家庭问卷调查,发现人们对于转基因食品的认知程度还比较低,普及农业生物科技知识非常必要;尽管消费者认为自己非常关注食品安全和营养问题,但在实际购买中,他们更多的考虑还是价格和收入
I know a person who can make rice bran into nutritious food and milk , even . and we talked last time about that . he said he spends about three hundred thousand dollars and he can feed six hundred thousand people in ceylon - the poor , the undernourished , the mothers , and all that 我们应该成立组织,我认识一个人,他能将米糠制成营养食品和奶品在前次讲经时,我们也谈过这些东西,他表示用三十万美元在锡兰就可养活六十万人包括那些穷人营养不良的人母亲等等,这实在是太好了!
While some countries slid backward - especially those hit by war , economic crisis , drought , or hiv aids - others have made the reforms to spur economic growth , like investment in agriculture and rural infrastructure , or instituted supplemental feeding programs that helped hoist millions from the ranks of the undernourished , says mr . de haen 但是很多国家却在这方面大有退步,特别是一些久久陷入战争泥潭,经济危机,干旱和艾滋病肆虐的国家。还有一些国家在发展经济上实行改革,例如增加农业和农村基础设施建设的投资,还有救济那些严重缺乏食物地区的人。
The student said " hello " to all of us when we met him . he was thin and his face was black , seems that he was undernourished . his father brushed the chairs with his sleeves immediately , asked us to sit down . his mother leaned the door with foolish smile all the time . it was even poorer of their family than our thought . the lime had started to come off as the wind and rain damage , the sunshine got through their house , shadow was remained on the sap of floor . two small rooms , a kitchen , a quadrate desk and some chairs here , there were not anything else ; the other one was bedroom , two beds were squeezed together . the bedding wasn ' t new any more and turned white , cotton was come out from the clothes . the only thing was what one old desk was cleaned well , it should be his book desk , there were some books on it 那位学生见我们来了,高兴地向我们问好.他看上去瘦瘦的,脸色黝黑,一副严重营养不良的样子.他的父亲赶紧用袖子在长凳上擦拭了几下,笨拙地端给我们坐.他的母亲一直倚着门槛傻傻地笑.他的家比我想像的更穷.墙面上的石灰经不起风雨的侵蚀而纷纷脱落,阳光透过砖缝射进屋里来,在坑坑洼洼的地面上留下一个个斑驳的影子.两间小屋,一间是灶间,除了一张方桌和几张长板凳外,别无他物;另一间是卧室,两张床挤在一起,被褥旧得发白,垫被连棉絮都露在外面.唯一整理的井井有条的是一张旧桌子,应该是他的书桌吧,上面整整齐齐放着几本书