He took the laboratory proofs on faith , and his intense power of vision enabled him to see the reactions of chemicals more understandingly than the average student saw them in the laboratory 他对实验室实验采取相信书本的态度。他那强大的想像力使他对于化学物质之间的反应比一般学生经过实验所了解的更深刻。
Recently , when the retreat was organized in australia , my husband said understandingly : " as it is mothers day , of course you should go to celebrate master s birthday and also mothers day . 这次澳洲禅,老公体贴的说:既然是母亲节,当然由你参加,去庆祝师父生日,也庆祝母亲节。我以很高兴的心情参加了打禅。