| 1. | The opened bladder reveals masses of a neoplasm that histologically proved to be urothelial carcinoma ( tcc ) 组织学证实膀胱内的肿块是移行细胞癌。 |
| 2. | Tumor cells in urothelial cis are quite discohesie and are shed in urine in large numbers 膀胱原位癌组织中的肿瘤细胞相互之间粘附性较差,大量瘤细胞常解离脱落到尿液中。 |
| 3. | Note the lack of cytologic atypia which is helpful in distinguishing urothelial metaplasia from high - grade pin 尿路上皮化生中没有细胞非典型性,这一点有助于与高分级pin进行鉴别。 |
| 4. | When urothelial lining is seen in more peripheral ducts and glands as in this needle biopsy , the term urothelial metaplasia is used 当尿路上皮出现在较多的前列腺导管的周围段和腺泡时,称之为尿路上皮化生。 |
| 5. | A low - power scan of glass slide from another case demonstrating non - inasie papillary urothelial carcinoma filling up the lumen of the ureter 另一例非浸润性乳头状移行细胞癌,低倍镜下见肿瘤充满输尿管管腔。 |
| 6. | At high power , the urothelial carcinoma does resemble urothelium , but the thickness is much greater than normal and the cells show more pleomorphism 高倍镜下,移行细胞癌的细胞很象尿道上皮,但比正常尿道上皮厚,且呈多形性。 |
| 7. | Presence of focal or een extensie malignant squamous and / or glandular epithelium ( seen here ) is not uncommon in typical urothelial carcinoma 肿瘤组织中可见到局灶性和或恶性鳞状和或腺上皮。这种情况在典型的尿路上皮癌中并不少见。 |
| 8. | In this example , the urothelial cells hae more basaloid appearance . some urothelial cell clusters hae central cystic spaces which may create pseudoglandular appearance 本例肿瘤细胞团块形成中空小囊样结构,造成假性腺体样结构的表现。 |
| 9. | Here is another example of urothelial carcinoma that is more aggressive and is invading into the renal parenchyma . hematuria is a frequent presenting symptom 这是另一例肾盂移行细胞癌。它侵袭性很强,侵入了肾实质。血尿是常见的表现。 |
| 10. | In this example of ureteritis cystica , the ureteral lumen has been opened longitudinally . seeral fluid - filled esicles are seen on the urothelial surface 肉眼下可见输尿管腔内尿路上皮表面有圆形、和卵圆形囊腔,壁薄,腔内充满清亮液体。 |