Urushiol , the main ingredient in raw lacquer , represents excellent properties in prevent of corrosion , heat resistance , ageing resistance and mechanical behavior 其主要成分漆酚成膜性好,具有良好的抗腐蚀性、耐热性、抗老化性和机械性能。
In another way , they prevented ion exchange process in some degree because of space steric hindrance . in short , this paper will make a good foundation for further application research about urushiol hybrid material and electropolymerization in future 综上所述,本文用两种不同方法制备了不同聚合漆酚纳米无机物杂化材料,研究了合成方法,结构特征及性能等。
In at last , on base of electropolymerization of urushiol , electropolyurushiol / cus hybrid film ( hybrid - epu / cus ) was manufactured by the method of ion exchange process . then hybrid - epu / cus was characterized by ft - ir , fluorescence , dmta xrd and tem 最后,本文在电化学聚合漆酚的基础上,用电化学聚合漆酚铜配合物,在一定条件下与nfos作用,可获得聚合漆酚纳米clls杂化材料。
Because of the interaction of urushiol chains and cus , the transformation temperature tg of hybrid - epu / cus was higher than that of epu . heat stability and solvent resistance were also improved . the interaction and network of urushiol chains were efficiency to inhibit the dimension of cus nanoparticles 漆酚链段与cus之间的作用,以及漆酚交联网络的存在可有效阻止cus颗粒尺寸的增大,但漆酚交联网络产生的空间位阻也在一定程度上降低了sz ”的扩散。
The diameter of sno2 nanoparticles ranges from 20 to 60 nm . it was concluded that , with the use of the surfactant dbs , sno2 nanoparticles would more steady disperse in polyurushiol in nano scale . ft - ir and xps spectrum showed that there was some interacting between the phenol hydroxyl groups in urushiol mocular chains and sno2 nanoparticles ( 3 )红外分析和xps分析表明, sno _ 2纳米粒子与聚合漆酚中羟基氧原子或dbs中氧原子之间存在着一定程度的配位趋向这,可能是纳米sno _ 2在dbs为表面活性剂的漆酚或聚合漆酚中能稳定分散的原因之一。
According to the structural characteristic , hybrid materials of polyurushiol and inorganic semiconductor nanoparticles were prepared , which maybe a new king of functional organic - inorganic hybrid material . it would promote the characteristic of urushiol in new areas . searching literature , we did not find a report about polyurushiol / nanoparticles hybrid 根据其结构特点,将无机半导体纳米粒子引入漆酚中得到聚合漆酚无机半导体纳米杂化材料,一方面有可能开发出具有新功能性的有机无机纳米杂化材料,另一方面可使生漆的独特性能在新的应用领域中得到发挥,促进生漆的应用开发研究。