| 1. | Vajrayogini sadhana : the tantric sadhana of vajrayogini composed by dr . yutang lin under the guidance of yogi chen 金刚亥母仪轨:在陈上师的指导下,林博士所编的密续仪轨。 |
| 2. | The practice of vajrayogini is only for the very fortunate and if practiced correctly can lead to buddhahood in this very lifetime 那若巴潜心修习?的法门终于在那一世证得圆满佛性可见其殊胜。 |
| 3. | Rinpoche is recognised as a living emanation of vajrayogini emanation of vajrayogini , h . h . kyabje trijang dorje chang of gaden shartse monastery 金刚瑜伽母的化身,甘丹萨济寺的贾杰赤江金刚总持。 |
| 4. | Vajrayogini , is a representation of complete buddhahood in female form , whose practices are associated with the chakrasamvara cycle of anuttarayoga tantra 金刚瑜珈母金刚瑜珈母代表著清静光明的佛性化身为女性。 |
| 5. | It is highly beneficial for thoses initiated and not initiated to make a connection with this extremely potent vajrayogini buddha who as times degenerate her blessings become more and more powerful 密法上曾记载随著末法时代的来临金刚瑜珈母之法门将会变得更加地殊胜接引更多的修行者。 |
| 6. | Then the fortunate one must receive the tantric initiation of the mandala of either chakrasamvara , guhyasamaja or vajrabhaivara . after meeting these requirements the practitioner is qualified to enter the mandala of vajrayogini 有资格的弟子接著接受本尊坛城胜乐金刚密集金刚或大威德金刚的灌顶最后才能进入金刚瑜珈母的坛城。 |
| 7. | Yeshe tsogyal was a direct incarnation of vajrayogini in the form of a woman . she served guru rinpoche as a spiritual consort , engaged in sadhana practice with incredible perseverance , attaining a level equal to guru rinpoche himself 她在世时曾是伟大的莲花生大士的灵修伴侣在修持上也展现了无比的恒心及毅力相传已证得与莲花生大士相等的境界。 |
| 8. | His holiness kyabje zong rinpoche , who is an oceanic master of masters conferred the vajrayogini empowerment commentary in yucca valley , california , usa . tsem tulku rinpoche was honored as the personal assistant of kyabje zong rinpoche here pictured together 他当时在美国加利福尼亚州的尤卡谷进行金刚瑜伽母的灌顶与开示,詹杜固仁波切有幸成?他的私人助理,这是当时他们的合照。 |
| 9. | So his name spread all over the country of being a powerful tantrician and he gave many empowerments and teachings on those subjects with a special emphasis on the tantras of heruka , hayagriva , yamantaka , gyelchen shugden , guhyasamaja , vajrayogini , green tara , mahakali , white tara , vaishravani and others 期间他也不断地授予各类殊胜灌顶密法及传授广泛的显密教法因此声明远播。他尤其擅长于胜乐金刚马头鸣王大威德金刚雄丹护法密集金刚金刚瑜珈母绿度母白度母大黑天王及多闻天王的密法。 |