A brief probe into the works on history of art and artistic thought of giorgio vasari 瓦萨里的艺术史著与艺术思想探略
The vasari corridor , built in 1565 , connects the pitti palace with the uffizi gallery 瓦萨里画廊建于1565年,连接着皮蒂宫和乌菲齐美术馆。
Vasari tells the story of one of his father ' s tenants who wanted a panel painted 瓦萨里讲述了一个故事:他父亲的一位佃户想让人作一幅油画。
Del giocondo was first named as the likeness in the painting by italian writer giorgio vasari in 1550 , who also dated the work at between 1503 and 1506 , the university said 据海德堡大学介绍,意大利作家乔治亚?瓦萨尼曾于1550年得出类似结论,同时他也认为《蒙娜丽莎》创作于1503年至1506年间。
His legend has been fuelled by the image of the bearded sage , inspired by his self - portrait drawing , now in turin , and by the biographies that begin with the work by giorgio vasari 他那现存于都灵的自画像所创造的长髯飘飘的圣者形象和由乔尔乔?凡萨里开始的各种传记使得关于他的传说变得更加神奇。
But because vasari relied on anecdotal evidence , there was always doubts about the identification , and leonardo is not known to have made any notes about the model ' s identity himself 但由于瓦萨尼的结论缺乏确凿的证据,这个说法一直受到怀疑。而达?芬奇本人也未对画中女子的真实身份进行过任何确认。
But because vasari relied on anecdotal evidence , there was always a doubt about the identification , and leonardo is not known to have made any notes about the model ' s identity himself 但由于瓦萨尼的结论缺乏确凿的证据,这个说法一直受到怀疑。而达?芬奇本人也未对画中女子的真实身份进行过任何确认。
A far - fetched notion , perhaps , but this renaissance venetian revolutionised painting ? and his work , focusing on secular subjects such as nudes , landscapes and female beauty , was dubbed “ modern ” by the leading art commentator of the day , vasari 或许有些牵强,但这个文艺复兴时代的威尼斯人给绘画带来革命,他的画作关注世俗题材比如人体,风景和女性美,这些都被当时的评论家瓦萨里授予“现代”的称号。