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Chinese translation for "vaught"


Related Translations:
loy vaught:  沃特
hall of vaught:  才能在瓦特之殿
halls of vaught:  瓦特之厅
Example Sentences:
1.Vaught began the trip to lose weight and break the bad habits that led to his obesity
所以,从现在开始我的旅程会变得越来越轻松。 ”
2.Steve vaught is trying to shed unwanted pounds the long , slow way : step by step as he walks across the united states
3.Steve vaught is trying to shed unwanted pounds the long , slow way : step by step as he walks across the united states . vaught , 39 , began his trek last april in oceanside , calif . , and has covered more than 2 , 300 miles
4.Vaught began the trip to lose weight and break the bad habits that led to his obesity . " when i first started this walk , i weighed around 410 pounds , and i was carrying an 85 - pound backpack , " vaught wrote on his web site earlier this month as he crossed ohio
沃特穿越俄亥俄州时曾在自己的网站上写道: “我刚开始走的时候,体重是410磅左右约184公斤,我还背着一个85磅约38公斤重的背包。
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