Once out of his reach, once lost to him, and the recollection of her assailed him with unconquerable vehemence . 她一旦远走高飞了,叫他找不到了,她的影子可就猛的袭上他的心头,说什么也排斥不了。
They threw themselves into committees in the most impassioned manner, and collected subscriptions with a vehemence quite extraordinary . 她们以最热烈的态度投身到委员会里去,以极高的热情收集捐款。
I would rather you had come and upbraided me with vehemence 我倒情愿你厉声责备我。
Monte cristo dropped his head and shrank from the vehemence of her grief 基督山低下头,在她那样沉痛的悲哀面前不禁有点畏缩。
Continuously absorb each kind oftechnique essence in the market competition of the vehemence 在激烈的商场竞争中,不断吸取各类技术精华。
Company from the year that establish , under the market competition environment of the vehemence , . 公司自成立之年,在激烈的市场竞争环境下,以“诚信务实质量第一,用户至上持续改进” 。
" m . de villefort , " replied the doctor , with increased vehemence , " there are occasions when i dispense with all foolish human circumspection “维尔福先生, ”医生愈来愈激愤地答道, “我常常顾及愚蠢的人情。
That s for number one , cried the accused , wiping the sweat from his brow , for he had been talking with a vehemence that shook the house “这是第一条, ”被指控的西尔弗喊将起来,抹去额头上的汗,大嗓门震得房子直响。
Facing to the daily vehemence market competition , growing and enhancing the core competence just becomes strategic mindsets of many enterprises 面对复杂多变的竞争环境,培育和强化核心竞争力正成为很多企业的战略取向。