I found the vellum dominic bought . i ' ll translate it foryou 我找到了多米尼克买的那本书。翻译给你听听。
Hand stitched on vellum paper . this book is not only for you to read , you can also touch and feel it 这本书不只是让人用眼睛看,还可以用手去触摸和感觉。
Belly without blemish , bulging big , a buckler of taut vellum , no , whiteheaped corn , orient and immortal , standing from everlasting to everlasting 不像,是一堆白色的小麦20 ,光辉灿烂而不朽,从亘古到永远21 。
After the name ping - pong an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats that were used was introduced by j . jaques and son , the game became a fashionable craze 而当乒乓这个名字被j jaques介绍进来之后,它就开始越来越受欢迎。在十九世界初期的中欧,乒乓球运动很热,后来其运动方式稍加修改,传入日本,而后来又传入中国和韩国。
He pressed the same who pressed indulgently her hand , soft pedalling a triple of keys to see the thicknesses of felt advancing , to hear the muffled hammerfall in action . two sheets cream vellum paper on reserve two envelopes when i was in wisdom hely s wise bloom in daly s henry flower bought 聪明的布卢姆亨利弗罗尔56在达利商行买了两张奶油色的仿羔皮纸一张是备用的,两个信封,边买边回想着自己在威兹德姆希利的店里工作时的事。
An illuminated scroll of ancient irish vellum , the work of irish artists , was presented to the distinguished phenomenologist on behalf of a large section of the community and was accompanied by the gift of a silver casket , tastefully executed in the style of ancient celtic ornament , a work which reflects every credit on the makers , messrs jacob agus jacob 一幅出自爱尔兰艺术家之手的爱尔兰古代犊皮纸彩饰真迹卷轴,被赠送给这位杰出的现象学家,聊表社会上很大一部分市民之心意。附带还送了一只银匣,是按古代凯尔特风格制成的雅致大方的装饰品,足以反映厂家雅各布与雅各布先生们622的盛誉。