n. 1.【古罗马】(官员出差的)旅费[供应品]。 2.旅行的用费[用品]。 3.〔常 V- 〕 【天主教】临终的圣餐。 4.【天主教】活动祭坛〔常置于临终者床侧〕。
Example Sentences:
What form need i to fill out to reimburs my viaticum / traveling expense 我需要填什么表格来报销我的旅费?
3 . 2 if a priest is obliged to visit a sick person for example , for anointing or giving viaticum , he should wear a surgical mask , and should consult beforehand the matron of the ward concerned , so as to comply with the directions of the hospital 3 . 2司铎如有需要探访病人如傅油或送临终圣体,必须戴上外科专用口罩,并须谘询有关病房之护士长,以遵守医院有关守则。