At present , there are no longer any celibate monks among newar buddhist sangha . the members of community live in vihara and have retained its designation ( sangha ) 现在你在尼瓦佛教僧团里面找不到传统不婚的法师。而住在寺院内的社区成员都还拥有他们的称号(指法师的称号) 。
Its interior walls are adorned with thousands of buddha images and grandiose paintings featuring thai and sino cultures . inside the hall , there are a vihara for keeping buddhist scriptures and the court of the jade buddha 8米的释迦牟尼金身像。墙壁镶满逾万尊佛像浮雕,还有糅合了中泰文化的壁画,煞是壮观夺目。
Initiates had a field day setting up and decorating the booth that had been secured at the vihara temple at brickfields , the hub of activities , and took this golden opportunity to spread master s teachings 今年,庆祝活动在吉隆坡市中心布里克费德的佛寺举行,同修们把握良机叁与了这个盛会,摆设了一个摊位来传播师父的教理。
The pagoda comprises a vihara for keeping a large collection of buddhist scriptures and the court of the jade buddha . on each side of the main entrance of the pagoda , there is a 20 - metre column carved with a giant gold - plated dragon , making the building especially imposing 宝殿上端设有藏经阁、玉佛阁、再加上正门入口有两条二十米高的巨龙柱分立左右,龙身更嵌上金色麟片,金光闪耀,栩栩如生,更显寺院的庄严气势。