The full set of vindicator ' s honor rewards are now in the item database . these epic rewards are purchased with honor points and battleground marks of honor 全套的第三极竞技场奖励包括了残酷的角斗士职业套装和相应的武器,现在用户已经可以通过数据库查看到这些内容。
Generally speaking , r . titmuss , r . plant and j . rawls " theories express a liberal conception of citizenship which is the main vindicator of social citizenship rights ; the 第三章探讨了社会公民资格权利的价值目标,我们将它们主要归纳为平等、社会正义和社会整合三个方面。
And as a result , the regional government has dual status of vindicator and participant , which provides the country the base of economic system for the emergence of the spatial route mode , it also forms the cause of the real inevitability for the mode 这就为我国空间路径模式的产生提供了经济体制的基础,也构成我国这种模式的现实必然性原因。论文通过建立行政区域经济增长的理论模型分析了市场经济条件下,行政区域政府对区域经济增长的作用机制和影响,并对我国区域政府积极作为的条件进行了较为深入的探讨。