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Chinese translation for "watel"

Example Sentences:
1.The resuit indicates : wheil treating siightiy polluted source water of xiang rivet , optimized coagulation will improve the effect of reducing organics remarkably ; gac has good effect in reducing the dbpfp and organics of xiang rivef , but the effect in reducing dbp is more obviously ; the process of " improving gac by optimized coaguiation " can not only has a wonderful result of reduction in dbppp and organics , but also improve the effect of gac evident1y and decreasing the capital cost for a gac facility ; although optimized coagulation increase the quantity of alum dose , but the level of aluminum of treated water will not beyond the standard level ; different processes will have different resu1ts in lessening the amount of organics and dbp , so we should adopt treatment process by considering the requirements of treated watel
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