Wavell received the decision with poise and dignity . 韦维尔以安祥持重的态度接受了这项决定。
At home we had the feeling that wavell was a tired man . 我们在国内有一种感觉,韦维尔已经是身心交瘁了。
Wavell responded gallantly to the many cumulative calls made upon him . 韦维尔对历次向他提出的那些要求作了勇敢的回答。
Although i realised his cares and his devotion, i continued to press general wavell hard . 我虽然知道韦维尔将军行事谨慎,为人忠诚,还是继续对他施加压力。
Wavell realized he was in no immediate danger and informed london that 2rtr and 7rtr could take a longer safer passage to egypt instead of being rushed through hostile waters 韦维尔由此判断本军尚无直接危险,因此通知伦敦第2 、 7皇家坦克兵团不必走通过危险水域的捷径,而走更长但也更安全的航线前来埃及。