1986 lie wiesel 1987 oscar arias snchez costa rica 1987年奥斯卡a桑杰斯哥斯大黎加
1981 torsten nils wiesel 1982 sune bergstrm sweden 1982年s柏格斯壮瑞典
The nobel prize in physiology or medicine 1981 : torsten nils wiesel 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖-托尔斯滕维厄瑟尔
10 hubel d h , wiesel t n . receptive fields , binocular interaction and functional architecture in the cat s visual cortex 郑南宁等人将该问题形式化为马尔科夫网,并用贝叶斯信念传播方法解决该问题。
Hubel and wiesel have found cells that respond differentially according to the direction in which a stimulus is moved across the retina 休博尔和维瑟尔发现了一种细胞,这种细胞会根据刺激物围绕视网膜移动的方向而做出不同的反应。
It distributes more than 200 million of donated medicines worldwide annually to countries such as bosnia , rwanda , nicaragua , north korea , etc . the ambasador - at - large for americares is mrs . barbara bush , nobel peace prize recipient elie wiesel , general colin powell and actor james earl jones are on their advisory committee 亚美利关怀是美国主要的私人慈善机构之一,每年分送由世界各地捐赠的价值20亿以上的药物给像是波士尼亚卢安达尼加拉瓜北韩等国。