" i m not so sure of that , " said the prince wittily “这可不一定。 ”王子巧妙地说道。
You know the chinese story i told you about the chinese kung fu wittily fights the thefts 你知道我说的那个用中国功夫智斗匪徒的故事吗
He asked himself plaintively , then arose to respond cleverly and wittily to a clever and witty toast 他痛苦地问自己。然后他站起身来对于一个聪明风趣的祝酒辞作出了聪明风趣的回答。
Its ghostbusters meets george c . scott s the flim - flam man as a pseudo - ghost catcher , wittily portrayed by kung - fu comedienne wang yi , and catches more than he bargained for 汪禹与师父江洋自称擅于神打而浪迹江湖,后江洋被捕,汪禹则遇正直少女林珍奇,引为知己,同闯江湖
Pat oliphant ' s cartoon melds two current concerns prominent in us newspapers . at one level it plays wittily on the theme of bovine spongiform encephalopathy , the dreaded " mad cow disease " recently detected in the carcass of a slaughtered dairy cow from washington state unless , as is now suspected , it actually originated in alberta 一方面,漫画巧妙地提到了最近从华盛顿州宰杀的牛体中检测出来的牛脑海绵体病,也就是可怕的疯牛病除非该病真是如所怀疑的那样起源于加拿大的阿尔伯塔否则就是源于华盛顿州了。