These natural wordsmiths are also good writers and critics 另外,天生的语言功力让他们还能扮演好作家和评论家的角色。
I ' m not a wordsmith 我不善于写作
As part of the deal , the london underground is displaying lines in english from some of china ' s great wordsmiths : li bai , du fu and bai juyi 根据协议,伦敦地铁内也在展出中国大文豪李白、杜甫和白居易的英译诗句。
The oxford english dictionary , considered by many wordsmiths as the gold standard for the english language , is one of those that will be targeted 历来为语言大师们誉为英语语言“金科玉律”的牛津英语辞典也是其目标之一。
Wordsmiths will coin words and phrases that rhyme with 1999 : " it s mine 1999 , a year to opine , " let s have more sunshine in 1999 , " and all that jazz 打油诗人会用1999来押韵: 1999 ,思想遨游阳光炫丽1999等这种爵士语调。
Most experienced members of the online culture have learned to become wordsmiths , carefully crafting the words they use to convey exactly what they mean so as not to be misunderstood 多数富有经验的网络成员已经修炼成为语言大师,他们慎重地措词,准确地表达自己的意思以避免被人误解。
The creative department is composed mostly of copywriters , who are the wordsmiths for the ads , and art directors , who put those words into a visually appealing and appropriate package 创意部主要是由文案? ?广告的文字工匠、美术指导? ?把那些文字置入一个可视的、迷人的且适宜的包裹中去的人。
It was a ginormous year for the wordsmiths at merriam - webster . along with embracing the adjective that combines " gigantic " and " enormous , " the dictionary publishers also got into bollywood , sudoku and speed dating 除了形容词gigantic与enormous的合成词ginormous特大的甭提有多大外, bollywood宝莱坞sudoku “数独”九宫格游戏和speed dating速配也被收入词典。