| 1. | The favourable route links lhasa with xigaze , lhastse , and zhangmu 拉萨日喀则拉孜樟木线,是传统的黄金线。 |
| 2. | Old man from the xigaze area 其加达瓦 |
| 3. | Old man from xigaze area 康巴汉子 |
| 4. | Most of the professional celestial burial masters are found mainly in lhasa , xigaze and shannan 大多数的专业天葬师在拉萨、日喀则和山南地区。 |
| 5. | From gyangtse to the north , you can visit the century - old shalu monastery in xigaze , then return to lhasa by way of rinpung and nyem counties 从江孜向北,在日喀则游览古老的夏鲁寺后,再经仁布尼木县返回拉萨。 |
| 6. | In lhasa and xigaze , 1 , 693 . 6 ha of land are covered by trees or grass , and 47 . 48 ha are public green areas . the rate of green coverage in established districts is 23 . 5 % 在城市公共绿地建设方面,拉萨市、日喀则市的绿化覆盖面积已达1693 . 6公顷,公共绿地面积有47 . 48公顷,建成区绿化率为23 . 5 % 。 |
| 7. | The completion of the project on drinking water for xaitongmoin county in xigaze prefecture put an end to the days when the local people , numbering about 2 , 500 now , had to drink water heavily charged with fluorine 后藏日喀则地区的谢通门县建成饮水工程,当地2500多人祖祖辈辈饮用高氟水的历史终子划上句号。 |
| 8. | China planned to extend the availability of drinking water , electricity and telephone lines to herding communities and build a railway from the regional capital lhasa to xigaze , the remote himalayan region ' s second - largest city 中国计划扩展饮用水、电力和电话线到牧区,并计划修建一条从省会拉萨到喜玛拉雅地区第二大城市日喀则的铁路。 |
| 9. | The yamzhuo yumco lake hydropower station will meet the fast - growing need for electricity of the lhasa area . it will also help form a grid for the lhasa , xigaze and shannan areas to supply electricity for the development of the middle valleys of the above three rivers 羊卓雍湖电站建成后,不仅能满足拉萨地区急剧增长的电力需要,而且可以将拉萨、山南、日喀则联结成一个大电网,扩大供电范围,为“一江两河”流域经济开发区提供电力。 |