| 1. | Includes the xlm macro security update , the ,其中包括xlm巨集安全性更新以及 |
| 2. | Microsoft has recently become aware of a potential excel xlm macro security vulnerability Microsoft近来了解到excel xlm巨集具有潜在的安全性弱点。 |
| 3. | When xlm macro sheets saved as text files are opened into excel 97 , the macro warning may not appear 当xlm巨集工作表储存为文字档,并在excel 97中开启时,巨集警告对话方块不会显示。 |
| 4. | This vulnerability could allow malicious code stored within the xlm macro sheet to perform harmful acts , including deleting files 这项弱点会让储存在xlm巨集工作表中的恶意码执行破坏性行为,例如删除档案。 |
| 5. | When an xlm macro sheet is saved as a text file and the text file is then opened into excel , users may not receive the usual macro warning dialog box 当xlm巨集工作表另存成文字档,并在excel中开启时,使用者也许无法收到一般的巨集警告对话方块。 |
| 6. | Under certain scenarios it is possible for an excel file to be modified in such a way that a macro consisting of excel 4 . 0 macro language commands could run with no warning issued 在某些特定条件下,可能会出现在不显示任何警告信息的情况下, excel文件被由excel 4 . 0宏语言xlm命令组成的宏所修改。 |
| 7. | This update corrects the xlm macro security vulnerability by always displaying the macro warning dialog box when you open an xlm macro sheet , even if the xlm was saved as a text file 这个程式修正了xlm巨集安全性弱点,即使xlm储存为文字档,它仍然会在您开启xlm巨集工作表时,显示巨集警告对话方块。 |