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Chinese translation for "xst"

XST = experimental stealth technology 【军事】实验性隐性技术。
Example Sentences:
1.In this project , the kernel chip is xc2vp4 , which is a platform fpga manufac - tured by xilinx co . ise7 . 1i foundation which is the latest and integrated eda devel - oping tool is used in the software developing . modelsim se6 . 0 and ise simulator are the simulation tools . synplify pro8 . 1 and xst are the synthesis tools
本课题硬件采用xilinx公司xc2vp4平台级fpga为核心控制芯片,软件采用xilinx公司最新集成化eda开发工具ise7 . 1ifoundation ,仿真工具modelsimse6 . 0 ,综合工具synplifypro8 . 1等设计完成,高速电路采用lvds信号进行连接。
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