He had been lord marchmain's servant in the yeomanry . 他原来在义勇骑兵队给马奇梅因勋爵当随从。
"i joined the imperial yeomanry today, granny," and emptied his glass as though drinking the health of his own act . “今天我去皇家义勇兵报了名,外公,”说完就把杯子里的酒一饮而尽,就好像为自己的这一行动而干杯似的。
An imperial yeomanry , says lenehan , to celebrate the occasion . - half one , terry , says john wyse , and a hands up “半下子,特里, ”约翰怀思说, “再要一瓶举手435 。
" i joined the imperial yeomanry today , granny , " and emptied his glass as though drinking the health of his own act “今天我去皇家义勇兵报了名,外公, ”说完就把杯子里的酒一饮而尽,就好像为自己的这一行动而干杯似的。
Bagnold realized that the various backgrounds of the professional and the part time , and the colonial may not be a good mix so instead of integrated the new men into the new zealand patrols he organized two new patrols " g " for guards and " y " for yeomanry . " w " patrol was gone but the new zealander still had " r " and " t " patrol 于是他没有采取把来自这些部队的人员全部整合到新西兰巡逻部队里的作法,而是组织了两支新巡逻队: “ g ”代表来自近卫部队的人员, “ y ”代表来自骑兵队的人员。