| 1. | He had been amused at her seriousness . 看到她一本正经的样子,他觉得好笑。 |
| 2. | He was very different from the virtuous edward . 他大不同于一本正经的爱德华。 |
| 3. | New england's history made for earnestness . 新英格兰的历史促成了一本正经的文风。 |
| 4. | His gravity made us laugh immoderately . 他那一本正经的样子,使我们笑得不可开交。 |
| 5. | I dislike proper children . 我不喜欢一本正经的孩子。 |
| 6. | Sometimes even his daughters laughed at his correct grammar . 有时甚至女儿都拿他一本正经的语法当笑话。 |
| 7. | One clapped him on the back with solemn nods of approval . 人们拍拍他的背脊,一本正经的点点头,表示赞许。 |
| 8. | The "eastern" twain can be delicate to the point of prudery . “东部的”马克吐温竟可以严谨到一本正经的程度。 |
| 9. | The "eastern" mark twain can be delicate to the point of prudery . “东部的”马克吐温竟可以严谨到一本正经的程度。 |
| 10. | "call it two then," said isabel with a studied effect of eagerness . “那么就算两年吧,”伊莎贝尔说,故意装得一本正经的。 |