take the lead; be foremost in the fight; be in the foremost rank; be in the forefront; gallop at the head; lead the way; race at the head of; ride the fore-horse; rush forward in front of others
Example Sentences:
A black horse was on the inside track at the start of the race 赛马一开始,一匹黑马便一马当先,冲到内圈。
The un is in the forefront of international efforts to protect the environment 在保护环境的国际努力中,联合国一马当先。
Since then , steel production in both the united states and germany has barely budged , while china has left them in the dust 自那时起,美国和德国几乎没有了钢产量,而中国则一马当先。
A rider with the ability to maintain sprint speed for several hundred meters can often dictate the outcome of a race either as a strong lead - out or as a solo effort 能够维持几百米冲刺的车手通常能决定比赛的结果,或者他一马当先带领队友突破,或者显示在个人成绩上。
At that time , the tainan chigu center held group meditation sessions every tuesday and thursday , and on those days local initiates would drive by to pick up uncle ma , and he never failed to show up for his ride 当时,台南七股道场每逢周二四共修,同修会开车来载,马老伯从不缺席,遇有西湖打禅,更是一马当先。
Headed by gary neville , directly secundado by beckham , international the english threatened plants that he put in risk the dispute of the decisive party against turkey for the classification for eurocopa 2004 of portugal 加里.内维尔一马当先,贝克汉姆紧随其后,英格兰国家队不惜用对阵土耳其这场关系到欧洲杯小组赛能否出线的重要比赛冒险,向足联威胁抗议。
Fluttering veils and waving plumes filled the vehicles ; two of the cavaliers were young , dashing - looking gentlemen ; the third was mr . rochester , on his black horse , mesrour , pilot bounding before him ; at his side rode a lady , and he and she were the first of the party 车内面纱飘拂,羽毛起伏。两位年轻骑手,精神抖擞,一付绅士派头第三位是罗切斯特先生,骑着他的黑马梅斯罗,派洛特跳跃着奔跑在他前面。与他并驾驱的是一位女士,这批人中,他们俩一马当先。