| 1. | The art reached a development peak in the ming dynasty 版画在明代万历年间达到了高峰。 |
| 2. | The year 1587 was a year in the late ming dynasty . to most 万历十五年,即西历的一五八七年。 |
| 3. | An analysis of the financing configuration of hui shang ' s stores in the ming dynasty 以万历程氏染店帐本为例 |
| 4. | History theatre 1587 , a year of no significance re - run a complete record of the failure of china 大历史话剧万历十五年(重演) -中国失败总纪 |
| 5. | The big pot from ming dynasty , wan li ( 1573 - 1619 ) is verg good meaning , happiness , luck 此扁壶是明万历年间( 1573 - 1619 )象耳,愚意幸福、吉祥。 |
| 6. | Yueluquanshu is a great work on the level with advanced world music theory 《乐律全书》是明代嘉靖至万历年间产生的一部具有世界先进水平的巨著。 |
| 7. | Consecrating guanyin buddhist . there are two opinions about the year of building 主祀观世音菩萨,建造时间有二种说法,一为万历年间、一为道光六年 |
| 8. | It was about 400 years since cigarette first introduced from lvsong ( the philipines ) 烟草自明万历年间从吕宋(今菲律宾群岛)传入福建,迄今已有近400年的历史。 |
| 9. | Classified collection of various sounds is an important anthology of plays and operas during the wingli era of the ming dynasty 摘要《群音类选》是明代万历年间的一个重要的戏曲选本。 |