have visited the cottage thrice in succession -- to call on sb. repeatedly; make three calls at the thatched cottage; repeatedly to request sb. to take up a responsible post; request sb. repeatedly to take up a responsible post
Example Sentences:
Or is this a test of the sincerity and determination of the candidate in wanting to join the organisation ? 还是想试一试看是否有人有“三顾茅庐”的精神呢? ?
A . d . 207 liu bei repeatedly asies , zhuge liang explains ideas of the three minute worlds to liu bei , namely famous " long zhong dui " 隆 中 对 , becomes an official immediately assists liu bei 公元207年刘备三顾茅庐,诸葛亮对刘备陈说三分天下之计,即著名的“隆中对” ,随即出山辅助刘备。
In this sense , the experience of seeking a worthy person in the story of three visits to the hut in the ancient novel the historical novel of three kingdoms is quite similar to the emotional imbroglio in the book the unofficial life history of li shishi in terms of deep concept and story structure 在此意义上, 《三国演义》 “三顾茅庐”的求贤经历与《李师师外传》中道君皇帝和李师师的感情纠葛,在深层观念与故事结构上都极具相似性。