| 1. | Daresay lots of officers are in the swim too 军官们从中捞到好处的不在少数。 |
| 2. | People said that there was no hope that he could win , but bikila did not believe them 我们写这本书的目的是,希望能够引起那些不在少数、对鸟一无所知或知之甚少的人的兴趣。 |
| 3. | Not to diminish the severity of it , but we ' re not talking about hard drugs 这不是在低估问题的严重性,因为我们谈论的毕竟不是致瘾毒品,是大麻,而拥有类似经历的人不在少数。 ” |
| 4. | Many female football fans also stay up late to watch the premier league and uefa champions league match broadcasts 热衷于观看深夜转播的超级联赛、冠军联赛的女性也不在少数。 |
| 5. | There will be no shortage of premiership suitors with city , west ham , aston villa and tottenham all tracking him 追求他的球队不在少数,曼城、西汉姆、阿斯顿维拉以及热刺都对他有兴趣。 |
| 6. | Our book is written in the hope that it will interest that large body of persons who know little or nothing about birds 我们写这本书的目的是,希望能够引起那些不在少数、对鸟一无所知或知之甚少的人的兴趣。 |
| 7. | All this means that there will be no shortage of banks competing to manage the money of belgium ' s millionaires . life is sweet for the super - rich 所有这些意味着争着替比利时富翁们管理资金的银行不在少数。对这些超级富豪而言,这再甜蜜不过了。 |
| 8. | Of the participants in the program , many were medical professionals , while others came from all walks of life , but more than half were fellow initiates 参加此次训练课程的学员中,医护人员不在少数,其馀皆是社会各界人士,同修即占了半数以上。 |
| 9. | How many lesbians does it take to screw in a light bulb ? five , one to change it and four to make the documentary about it 多少女同性恋换一个的灯泡? 5个。一个换灯泡, 4个拍纪录片。 (同性恋是相对受教育高的人群,女同性恋里注重社会问题的自不在少数) 。 |
| 10. | And he is in big demand from multi - national companies to talk to their captains of industry about the art of management , how to run a group of people and motivation 请求他为自己的工业主管们就管理艺术以及如何带领众人并进行激发做讲座的跨国企业不在少数。 |