I thought , wait a minute , i might be nursing a viper in my bosom 等等,我觉得我可能和东郭先生一样。
Now master dongguo no longer pities the wolf . he takes over the peasant ' s hoe and brings the final blow home 现在,东郭先生不再怜悯狼了,他接过老农的锄头把狼打死了。
The wolf looks so pitiful that master dongguo ' s kind heart is moved . quickly , he tells the wolf to hide in his book bag 看着狼可怜的样子,东郭先生心软了,他让狼藏在他的书袋里,驮在驴子上。
The two continue on their way , coming soon to the old cow . master dongguo repeats his tale of woe to get the cow ' s opinion 他们继续上路,途中遇到了一头老母牛。东郭先生又对老母牛说了他那悲哀的事情。