| 1. | Meticulously nyuk tsin counted off . 玉珍早就严阵以待。 |
| 2. | We were all ready for the attack at the pas de calais . 我们在加来海峡一带严阵以待。 |
| 3. | The sound system is armed . 消声系统也严阵以待。 |
| 4. | Harold, eight miles away, awaited him in resolute array . 哈罗德王则在八英里以外严阵以待。 |
| 5. | The troops are standing by . 部队正严阵以待。 |
| 6. | This was foreseen by the russians, who had had full warning and were ready . 俄国人料到这一着,早已十分警惕,严阵以待。 |
| 7. | The german lines are aroused and furious, return the fire cruelly . 德国人早已严阵以待,他们憋足了气,还击起来绝不手软。 |
| 8. | Let the enemy do his worst ; we are ready for him 让敌人肆意逞凶吧,我们严阵以待。 |
| 9. | Man on tv : ground forces have been assembled 全球各国地面部队已经严阵以待 |
| 10. | I will not stand by , as peril draws closer and closer 当危险日趋临近,我们要严阵以待。 |