| 1. | He was riding alone when mr. bounderby burst out of the shrubbery, with such violence as to make his horse shy across the road . 他正骑着马走着,忽然庞得贝先生从灌木丛中冲了出来,来势是那么凶猛,使它的马受了惊,窜到路旁去了。 |
| 2. | The river has scour out a passage in the sand 这条河在沙土中冲出一条水道。 |
| 3. | And here s an engineer who doesn t dare to run the locomotive into this herd of beasts 还有这个火车司机,他居然不敢开车从这群拦路的野牛中冲过去! ” |
| 4. | Stamping / welding parts engineer is with responsibility for incoming quality control of stamping / welding parts and dealing with the parts issues in the product process 负责冲焊件的入厂质量控制和生产过程中冲焊件质量问题的处理。 |
| 5. | We dashed in through lots of steam and found the cook very wet and indignant with the ship : ' she ' s getting worse every day 我们在一阵水雾中冲进厨房,只见厨师浑身湿透,对这条船火冒三丈: “这船一天比一天糟,她简直是想把我淹死在炉子前! ” |
| 6. | When a volcano erupts , dust is blasted [ 3 ] high above the troposphere and may take weeks to be carried around the weather zone , so cannot be washed out of the air by rain 火山爆发时,尘埃被高高喷射入对流层以上的空间,需要几个星期才飘浮移至气象层,因而雨水无法将其从大气中冲走。 |
| 7. | Another hubble observation designed to image 10 , 000 degree celsius hydrogen gas ( orange ) reveals a startlingly different picture of matter blasting out of the galaxy 哈勃的另一张照片用于拍摄10000摄氏度左右的中性氢气体(图中呈橙色) ,它揭示出了惊人不同的又一场面,物质正从星系中冲出。 |
| 8. | Practically speaking , a thin line of heavy armored footmen with tower shields are going to be on the front of every battle you can arrange this for , with the other footmen taking up central positions and being used as reinforcements 事实上,由持盾重步兵组成的薄线将在你能够安排得到的每场战斗中冲在最前线,而其他步兵处在中间作为援军。 |
| 9. | When a volcano erupts , dust is blasted [ 3 ] high above the troposphere and may take weeks to be carried around the weather zone , vmax swivel sweeper gceb20b ( ecvv gold supplier ) wooden hanger ( ecvv gold supplier ) wooden hanger ( ecvv gold supplier ) cannot be washed out of the air by rain 火山爆发时,尘埃被高高喷射入对流层以上的空间,需要几个星期才飘浮移至气象层,因而雨水无法将其从大气中冲走。 |
| 10. | When a volcano erupts , wooden hanger ( ecvv gold supplier ) wooden hanger ( k130 - 6 ) ( ecvv gold supplier ) wooden hanger ( k130 - 3 ) ( ecvv gold supplier ) dust is blasted [ 3 ] high above the troposphere and may take weeks to be carried around the weather zone , so cannot be washed out of the air by rain 火山爆发时,尘埃被高高喷射入对流层以上的空间,需要几个星期才飘浮移至气象层,因而雨水无法将其从大气中冲走。 |