| 1. | The primary intermediate hosts for this spirochete are deer ticks belonging to the genus ixodes 这种螺旋菌的最初中间宿主是鹿身上的属于一种硬虱的扁虱。 |
| 2. | Who is the only hook tapeworm final host , the pigs are taenia solium one of the intermediate host 人是有钩绦虫的唯一终末宿主,猪是有钩绦虫的中间宿主之一。 |
| 3. | The asd mutants of salmonella thphimurium have an obligate requirement for diaminapimlic acid ( dap ) and will undergo lysis in environments deprived of dap 挑取单菌落质粒鉴定后,分别将其电击经中间宿主x3730转入最终宿主x4072 。 |
| 4. | Though other biting insects may be intermediate hosts for b . burgdorferi , they were found to have an insignificant role in the spread of lyme disease 尽管其他吸血虫也许是包柔氏螺旋体菌的中间宿主,但是它们对莱姆病的传播并不起作用。 |
| 5. | Swine is the only animal which can be infected by either avian or human original influenza viruses , and c an be considered as the intermediate host for the process of genetic reassortments between viruses of different hosts 此外,猪是禽和人流感病毒均可感染的唯一动物,是不同来源流感病毒发生重组,产生新的流感毒株的中间宿主。 |
| 6. | Toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies oftheintermediate rat hosts , including in the brain . toxoplasma gondii is a common site found in the guts of cats ; itsheds eggs that are picked up by rats and other animals thatareeaten by cats 这种寄生虫以猫为最终宿主,所以差不多有10的猫带有弓浆虫病,而人猪牛羊狗鸟和鼠类等都是弓浆虫的中间宿主。 |
| 7. | Toxoplasma gondii is a common parasite found in the guts of cats ; it sheds eggs that are picked up by rats and other animals that are eaten by cats . toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies of the intermediate rat hosts , including in the brain 这种寄生虫以猫为最终宿主,所以差不多有10的猫带有弓浆虫病,而人猪牛羊狗鸟和鼠类等都是弓浆虫的中间宿主。 |
| 8. | Toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies of the intermediate rat hosts , including in the brain . toxoplasma gondii is a common parasite found in the guts of cats ; it sheds eggs that are picked up by rats and other animals that are eaten by cats 这种寄生虫以猫为最终宿主,所以差不多有10的猫带有弓浆虫病,而人猪牛羊狗鸟和鼠类等都是弓浆虫的中间宿主。 |
| 9. | Toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies oftheintermediate rat hosts , including in the brain . since cats dont want to eat dead , decaying prey , toxoplasmatakesthe evolutionarily sound course of being a good site , leaving therats perfectly healthy . or are they 这种寄生虫以猫为最终宿主,所以差不多有10的猫带有弓浆虫病,而人猪牛羊狗鸟和鼠类等都是弓浆虫的中间宿主。 |
| 10. | Toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies of the intermediate rat hosts , including in the brain . since cats do n ' t want to eat dead , decaying prey , toxoplasma takes the evolutionarily sound course of being a " good " parasite , leaving the rats perfectly healthy 这种寄生虫以猫为最终宿主,所以差不多有10的猫带有弓浆虫病,而人猪牛羊狗鸟和鼠类等都是弓浆虫的中间宿主。 |