| 1. | In comparison to their size on the main sequence, the stars now become giants . 同它在主星序上的大小相比,恒星现在就成了巨星。 |
| 2. | As a companion star orbits its primary, it alternately approaches and recedes from the earth . 当伴星围绕着主星运转时,它交替地朝着地球或背离地球运转。 |
| 3. | As these luminous and massive stars exhaust their hydrogen fuel, they begin to depart from the upper end of the main sequence . 当这些亮而且质量大的恒星耗尽了氢燃料时,它们就开始从主星序上端脱离。 |
| 4. | When a massive proto-star approaches the main sequence, its surface temperature is low and it can not ionize the ambient gas . 当一个大质量原星接近主星序时,它的表面温度是低的,因而不能电离周围的气体。 |
| 5. | These investigators tenaciously argued the evolution of stars downward along the sequence ought to be accompanied by a continuous and very substantial loss of mass . 这些研究者就顽固地争辩说,恒星沿主星序向下的演化,应该伴随着连续的和很显著的质量损失。 |
| 6. | Zero - age main sequence 零龄主星序 |
| 7. | Most of the exoplanets discovered so far are much closer to their host stars than the ice line 至今所发现的系外行星中,大多行星同主星的距离小于冰线。 |
| 8. | Its distance from this star is only 5 % of that between the earth and the sun 这颗行星每隔几天就能绕主星公转一周,且与主星之间的距离仅为日地距离的5 % 。 |
| 9. | This isosceles triangle is composed of vega in lyra , altair in aquila and deneb in cygnus 这个等腰三角形分别由天琴座主星织女天鹰座主星牛郎及天鹅座主星天津四所组成。 |
| 10. | Mars will oppose pluto , and since both are your rulers , this can be a fairly intense combustion of energy 火星和冥王星相冲,鉴于它们都是你的主星,这会造成能量的剧烈燃烧。 |