| 1. | I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy 我因为最近缺少肌肤之亲 |
| 2. | They too have been deaf to the voce of justice and of consanguinity 但是,他们对这种正义的,血肉之亲的呼吁置若罔闻。 |
| 3. | If perhaps i may provoke those of my flesh to jealousy and save some of them 14或者可以惹动我骨肉之亲妒忌,好救他们一些人。 |
| 4. | They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity 然而,他们也同样地把这正义的、血肉之亲的呼吁置若罔闻。 |
| 5. | Physical contact usually did it for men . they couldn ' t interpret it properly 男人真的很享受肌肤之亲。他们不能正确理解其中的含义。 |
| 6. | 14 in the hope that i may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them 14或者可以激动我骨肉之亲发愤,好救他们一些人。 |
| 7. | You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father ' s sister ; she is your father ' s flesh 12不可露你姑母的下体;她是你父亲的骨肉之亲。 |
| 8. | You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother ' s sister , for she is your mother ' s flesh 13不可露你姨母的下体;她是你母亲的骨肉之亲。 |
| 9. | Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father ' s sister : she is thy father ' s near kinswoman 不可露你姑母的下体,她是你父亲的骨肉之亲。 |
| 10. | Rom . 11 : 14 if perhaps i may provoke those of my flesh to jealousy and save some of them 罗十一14或者可以惹动我骨肉之亲妒忌,好救他们一些人。 |