| 1. | He was caught by the british and tortured . 他落入英国人之手,受到严刑拷打。 |
| 2. | He attacked this wall, cemented by the hand of time . 他进攻这道被时间之手封闭了的墙。 |
| 3. | The great centre of dakar soon fell to allied hands . 强大之枢纽达卡尔立即落於盟方之手。 |
| 4. | Yet it reads like the work of an old man whose hope is evaporated . 它读起来倒象是出自万念俱灰的老年人之手。 |
| 5. | Those that live by patronage shall surely perish by patronage . 靠别人的保护而生活的人,一定会葬送于保护人之手 |
| 6. | The final version owed, in fact, more to british than to american expertise . 最后的文本更多的是出自英国而不是美国专家之手。 |
| 7. | The "report" could only have come from shishayev, who obviously was pronnikov's informant . 这份报告只能出自沙耶夫之手,他显然是普洛尼科夫的一个告密者。 |
| 8. | The legislative power, being but a delegated power from the people, cannot be transferred to any other hands . 立法权--即只是源于人民的一种委托权--不能转到任何他人之手。 |
| 9. | Early in this strange twilight period, he delivered his "outstretched hand" peace speech to the reichstag . 这段微妙、晦暗的时期刚刚开始,他就向德国国会作了“伸出和平之手”的演说。 |
| 10. | The danger was that the draft agreement, so laboriously put together, could be wrenched by the two monomaniacal vietnamese parties . 千辛万苦拟就的协定草案有毁于固执成性的越南双方之手的危险。 |