歌: Ⅰ名词(歌曲) song 短语和例子民歌 folk song; 颂歌 song of praise; odeⅡ动词(唱) sing 短语和例子放声高歌 sing loudly; 能歌善舞 good at both singing and dancing; 唱送旧岁, 歌迎新年 sing out the old year and sing in the new
只: 只副词(限于某个范围; 只有; 仅有); only; just; simply; merely 短语和例子只能试试看 can only try; 只需一会的功夫 just for a moment; 我只想问一个问题。 i have just one question. 屋子里只剩下三个人。 there were only three people left in the