| 1. | He was a popular fellow, but no manager . 他是一个人缘很好的人,但不是当经理的料子。 |
| 2. | He was lively, witty, good-natured, and a pleasant companion . 他很活泼,机智,脾气很好,人缘也不错。 |
| 3. | He has the singular optimism of a well-adjusted physician . 他具有一副一个人缘极好的医生们特有的乐观性格。 |
| 4. | She went on as companionable, as adaptable, as aloof and heart-whole as ever . 她还是像往常一样地人缘好,随和,清高,像往常一样心安理得。 |
| 5. | Between useful occupation and the pleasures of society, the next eighteen or twenty years of his life passed cheerfully away . 近二十年来他经商能赚钱,人缘又好,过得还算快活。 |
| 6. | He made himself unpopular by being so pushy 他特别喜欢出风头,所以人缘不好 |
| 7. | Somehow we got into a conversation about popularity 我们的话题不知怎么谈到了人缘。 |
| 8. | “ the crew will take it badly - - warley was popular “威利人缘很好,船员们会很难过。 ” |
| 9. | Wit is very fashionable at the moment 在这种时刻,人缘就变得非常重要 |
| 10. | Wit is very fashionable at the moment 在这种时刻,人缘就变得非常重要 |