| 1. | The reds had captured a few chiang's airplanes . 红军缴获了少数几架蒋介石的飞机。 |
| 2. | Alarmed, chiang went to sian in person to repair the situation . 蒋介石大为震惊,便亲自跑到西安去挽救这个局面。 |
| 3. | Such a fear also troubled the comely head of mme. chiang kai-shek . 这样一种恐惧也使蒋介石夫人的标致的脑袋不安过一阵子。 |
| 4. | Against the reds in the fifth campaign, chiang kai-shek mobilized about 900, 000 troops . 蒋介石在第五次战役中对红军发动了大约九十万军队。 |
| 5. | Three days later he flew to hankow, seat of the national government headed by chiang kai-shek . 三天后他飞到汉口,当时以蒋介石为首的国民政府所在地。 |
| 6. | I said i was sure that madame chiang kai-shek didn't wish to appear as an invalid at her press conference . 我说,我相信蒋介石夫人不愿意在自己举行的记者招待会上,让人看来象病人。 |
| 7. | Although chiang kai-shek's spies in sian knew that something was fermenting, they could get few details of exact nature . 蒋介石在西安的特务虽然知道有什么事情正在酝酿之中,但是他们无法得悉确切的内容。 |
| 8. | The second annual international super music festival opened last night at the cks memorial hall 第二届国际巨星音乐节昨暗伫介石寺开幕。 |
| 9. | At the same time , teoheng ( taoyuan ) county governor ly siulen ( annette lu ) is proposing president lee to build a park next to chiang ' s tomb in _ zu / o that collects and exhibiting chiang ' s statues from all over the place 拄好这久桃园县长吕秀莲建议阿辉总统伫慈湖介石墓边设一耶公园倘好收集及展示四界搬来耶介石铜像。 |