| 1. | Cattle are immune to equine infections anemia . 牛不感染马传染性贫血。 |
| 2. | In a word, serum hepatitis was also infectious . 换句话说,血清性肝炎也是传染性的。 |
| 3. | Poultry hauling equipment likewise can disseminate infectious material . 捕鸡器械同样也能播散传染性物质。 |
| 4. | Communicable diseases have been a curse of mankind since time immemorial . 自古以来,某些传染性疾病就是人类的灾祸。 |
| 5. | The infectivity and other properties of viruses can be assayed by several methods . 病毒的传染性及其它性质可通过几种方法鉴定。 |
| 6. | Transmissible gastroenteritis is a highly contagious, enteric disease of swine . 传染性胃肠类是猪的一种高度接触传染性肠道疾病。 |
| 7. | These organisms penetrate into snails, multiply, and develop into cercariae, the infective form for man . 这些毛蚴进体螺体,繁殖和发育对人类有传染性的尾蚴。 |
| 8. | The great communicability of whooping cough, males it desirable to isolate the patient for four to six weeks . 百日咳有强烈的传染性,因此最好将患者隔离46周。 |
| 9. | The infectivity is quantified by counting the number of infective centers such as plaques pocks and foci . 应用计算感染点数目来确定其传染性,如蚀斑,痘疱及病杜数。 |
| 10. | This applies to most respiratory infections(e. g mycoplasma infections, infectious coryza, laryngotracheitis) . 大多数呼吸道感染都如此,如枝原体感染,传染性鼻炎,喉气管炎。 |