[ shēnshǒubùjiànwǔzhǐ ] so dark that you can't see your hand in front of you; pitch dark
Example Sentences:
She thought of a full complete darkness with longing . 她带着渴望的心情,想象着一个伸手不见五指的漆黑的世界。
Eugene propelled his father through a blind passage of bath room . 尤金扶着他父亲穿过一间伸手不见五指的洗澡间。
The boy , unable to see in dark , walked slowly upstairs 翻译:那个男孩在伸手不见五指的黑暗中,慢慢地走上楼去。
The best way to see life in the ocean is to go out there at night 神圣的青鱼,晚上可以做的刺激的事,就是入黑后独自出海,伸手不见五指。
When i was on the other side of the door , it was dark all around , i couldn t even see myself 当我进到门内侧的时候,四处充满了黑暗,伸手不见五指。
The dip of the sun , we could see nothing in the dark . we got a lamp then 太阳下山了,伸手不见五指,大合照就是因此未能准确对位,没有把全部人也拍入镜头内,哈哈
Winter nights descend very early on the countryside . darkness sets in by what is normally considered dusk 上的冬夜降临得特别早,才傍晚几乎已经伸手不见五指了。
But the moon had now sunk , the clouds seemed to settle almost on their heads , and the night grew as dark as a cave 现在月亮已经落下去了,乌云似乎就笼罩在他们的头上,天黑得伸手不见五指。
Remaining alone overnight in the restaurant , she was awakened from her dreams by the shattering tremors of the earthquake 在睡梦中被地震惊醒,只觉天摇地动,却是伸手不见五指,又不时传来楼房倒塌的巨响。
And again , in the complete darkness , tushins cannons moved forward , surrounded by the infantry , who kept up a hum of talk 在伸手不见五指的昏暗中,图申的大炮宛如镶嵌着框架似的,四周簇拥着喧嚣的步兵,又向前方挺进了。