| 1. | Thinking about development and design of low - density housing 低密度住宅开发设计的思考 |
| 2. | Discussion on the development tactics of suburban low - density houses 城郊低密度住宅开发与建设策略探讨 |
| 3. | The key point in positioning of commercial residence development project is to seek difference 本文认为商品住宅开发项目的市场定位关键是差异化的寻找。 |
| 4. | Meanwhile the income variation influences the prices with a 2 - year lag and is insignificant in a short term 这对于从宏观上根据居民家庭收入变化分析房价走势、制定住宅开发政策具有指导作用。 |
| 5. | The positioning research of commercial residence development project has close relationship with the development of our country ’ s real estate 商品住宅开发项目市场定位研究与我国房地产业的发展有密切的联系。 |
| 6. | Through the dialysis to the fact of a great quantity empty rooms , the writer recognizes the principal reason is because of the backward thought mode 本文通过对当前我国空置房大量积压的现实问题的透析,认识到其根源是商品住宅开发的思维方式落后所致。 |
| 7. | In this paper , from the insight of a designer , writer initially discuss the concepts and tendency of development and design of city housing at housing - merchandisize period in china 本论文以设计者的眼光对中国城市住房商品化时期住宅开发与设计的观念及发展趋势进行初步探讨。 |
| 8. | However with the dramatic housing development and the sharp expansion of housing market , the housing consumption has become rational and the competition in market is now also fiercer and fiercer 随着住宅开发的迅速发展,住宅市场急剧扩大的同时,住房消费也日益理性化,市场竞争也显得异常激烈。 |
| 9. | The second chapter analyses some factors which affect positioning of commercial residence development project . the third chapter analyses modern situation then obtains the conclusion . in the last part , i use case analysis 第二章分析影响商品住宅开发项目市场定位的因素,第三章现状分析,包括市场定位的主要现状和存在的主要问题。 |
| 10. | The original intention of the text is to bring up a solving way to the empty rooms . but , with the thorough of the research , the writer finds that the backward thought mode exists commonly in real estate companies now 本文初衷是欲对空置房提出解决办法,但随着研究的深入,发现商品住宅开发的思维方式落后正普遍存在于当前房产企业之中。 |